The Foot Institute – Calgary
An Association of Doctors Specializing in the Medical and Surgical Treatment of the Foot and Ankle *

TOLL FREE: 1-877-444-3668
Calgary: 403-242-3668
Edmonton: 780-444-3668

Neuromas calgary Alberta

Foot Problems Neuromas

Neuromas Calgary

Neuromas calgary, Alberta

Neuromas are a common and painful condition often described as burning, tingling, numbness or a shooting pain that radiates from the ball of the foot often to the 3rd and 4th toes. Others describe the condition as a pinched nerve or swollen nerve or nerve tumor. It is defined more specifically as a benign growth of nerve tissue frequently found between the third and fourth toes. Gait or structural problems often cause pressure in the ball of the foot, which often injures or bruises the protective covering of the nerve. Once injured, scarring occurs and the protective covering becomes enlarged. Orthotic therapy is often reducing stress on the area and minimizing discomfort, but for permanent relief surgery is often required.

Causes of neuromas

  • Heredity
  • Improper or ill-fitting shoes
  • Biomechanical imbalance
  • Trauma
  • High-heeled shoes

What can you do?

  • Change to shoes with lower heels
  • Wear supportive shoes with a roomy toe box
  • Soak and ice your feet for temporary relief

What can your Podiatrists do?

Did You Know?

"Your podiatrist is an important part of the diabetic health-care team and can assist in the prevention of diabetic ulceration and amputation."

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